Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hiatus - or at least a change.

There's been a flurry of "documenting" posts lately;  it's been the first step in a housecleaning exercise.  "Housecleaning" in that it is both tying up some outstanding threads and also putting things in order for an intentional hiatus.

You know the example about the jar that represents "filling up" your life, the one into which you need to put the big rocks first, then the little ones, then the pebbles, and finally the sand and water?  If you don't put in the big rocks first, you'll never fit them in after adding the smaller stuff.

I need to work on some big rocks.

I'll still be here, and may possibly record some thoughts regarding the airgun concept, but I need some deliberate time to work on habits that make me happy.

Here's to rejuvenation, awakening, and--I do miss Guitar Craft--beginning again.

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